Fibromyalgia is a type of chronic pain that is believed to affect the central nervous system. There are over 750 000 individuals in Canada suffering from Fibromyalgia (approximately 2% of Canadians). It affects primarily women (80% to 90%), however it is also observed in men, teenagers and children.
Fibromyalgia presents with wide spread body pain that has been present for at least 3 months. The pain may start off in one area, initially be intermittent and progressively become more persistent. The pain may vary in location and intensity from day to day, and can be influenced by climate as well as stress.
There are often symptoms other than pain associated with Fibromyalgia. Fatigue is the most common complaint and occurs in 90% of patients. Many individuals with this condition also suffer from mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, sleep disturbances and cognitive impairments.
There are many approaches to treating Fibromyalgia, such as pain medication, antidepressants, anti-seizure medication, as well as physiotherapy and lifestyle remedies. At Ketamine Health, ​​we typically see patients when these types of interventions have failed to reduce pain levels. Our clinic offers medication, meditation and mindfulness, nerve blocks and Ketamine infusions to treat pain from Fibromyalgia.
Ketamine Research Articles:
National Pain Report: This Could Be Big: Intravenous Ketamine for Fibromyalgia by Ginevra Liptan, MD
PubMed: Intravenous infusions in chronic pain management by B. Kosharskyy, W. Almonte, et al