Chronic Migraine

Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain
Back Pain
Back Pain is one of the most common conditions affecting Canadians. Approximately 80% of Canadians suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Chronic back pain is a frequent cause of disability in many areas of the world. While the specific cause of an individual's pain may be difficult to identify, known causes of back pain are injury, muscle or ligament strain, an underlying medical condition, such as cancer, arthritis or osteoporosis, and poor posture, often when sitting for prolonged periods of time.
Back pain could also be caused by abnormalities such as a herniated (bulging or slipped) disc or sciatica (sharp, shooting pain travelling down the back of the leg, often resulting from a slipped disc putting pressure on a nerve).
Neck and Shoulder Pain
Pain in the neck or shoulder can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as trauma, whiplash, rotator cuff tear, herniated (bulging or slipped) disc, shoulder dislocation, fibromyalgia, poor posture, sleep position as well as tendon and ligament strain. Neck and shoulder pain can occur in isolation, however these conditions often occur together, as they are closely connected by a number of nerve pathways.
Once pain in the neck, shoulder or back has lasted for several months and become chronic, a combination of treatment approaches is often required, such as lifestyle and fitness changes, physical therapy, medication.
At the Toronto Pain and Ketamine clinic, we customize our approach to each patient, and we provide treatments such as cortisone injections, epidural injections, nerve blocks, infusions and meditation.